Actively constructing our shared future - By Harmeet Anand

Due to the pandemic my part-time helper who goes home to home doing house cleaning chores was struggling to come to terms with the likelihood of losing her only sources of income. Though supported throughout the lockdown with money sent by her employers into her bank account, by the 3rd month, the prospect of losing some of the jobs permanently was hanging like a sword on her. She was eager  to resume work and be acquainted to the new “shape” of work dynamics. 

So when she joined work at my house in August of 2020 after a 4 month hiatus, she should have been happy. I noticed her happiness was short-lived. She then confided in me the key reason for her worries – “her three kids and their education”. Her eldest one, who has practically finished her 12th class, had not been able to take her 12th year final exams, which would have been conducted in March of 2020. Her second born entered Junior college  this year ie 11th class - but was in need for a smart-phone to be on track with online classes. And her youngest one – who was earlier going to primary school, was sitting at home as schools in Maharashtra were still closed, even though annual school fees had been paid. Her aspirations for her children’s future seemed to have been hit by a tsunami of unpredictable happenings, overnight!

This brought to sharp focus the reality that we often don’t heed to, even though we are aware of; be it natural disasters such as the pandemic or effects of a climate change - the marginalized amongst the marginalized – ie women and young ones – suffer the most. 

Neevjivan’s vision to support these vulnerable groups through skill-based learning and vocational training to facilitate career aspirations with practical training is a step in the right direction to assist these citizens.  

As far as the Indian Youth are concerned the statistics are mindbogglingly enormous. As per the United Nations (UN) population prospects, the youth population (15-29 years) globally stands at 1.8 billion in 2020. Out of the total youth in the world, every fifth (20 per cent) resides in India (366 million) reflecting the importance of this segment of people in the country. We know that the youth of India are faced with many challenges, and one of the most serious issues is the growing number of idle youth i.e. not in employment, education and training (NEET)*.

Neevjivan is assisting the youth and the women ride the winds of change, by focusing on new ways of working by providing skills which are in demand in the post pandemic world. With everything moving online, equipping people with virtual skill training, helping focus on indigenous crafts, or honing local occupational training or training them on “care-giving” will be part of their vocational training program.

One of the key ingredient in the recipe of success is intrinsic motivation.  As a pioneer in providing humanistic education to people worldwide, SGI - President Ikeda’s quote is worth mentioning. 

Education is a process of stimulating and awakening people from the very core of their being, enabling them to unlock and develop the power within them to create happiness. For this, passion is key”.

To help unlock the passion, and keep the participants on track with their goals, Neevjivan’s counseling and mentoring program will come as a much needed support.

Whenever the conversation comes around the skill development or providing vocational training), the lens with which most people view the situation is from the economic lens. However, underlying the economic lens lies the aspect of ontological dignity. At the core of any human life exists the need to live a dignified life. 

The inequities of the world are immense, but by assisting our fellow citizens - emotionally and materially -  they too will be included in the mainstream. And as fellow traveller in the journey of our lives, when dignity for one is restored, the collective benefits. 

Happy to serve!


* as per UN Report publsihed in TOI on the 11th of August 2020

Photo Credit - Oriol Casas at Unsplash 
